Saba Saba and our media

I was asked by a friend… what do you think about the saba saba
And what do you think about the deaths speculated by the prophet
I wanted to shout loud that I really didn’t care to watch a show of politicians and idlers
People from opposite sides of the economic world brought together by politricks
I didn’t say a thing though… because I wanted to say it right… so here is my answer
I think that the only reason people care is because the media has shown them its importance
The same media that is supposed to be the watchdog of the society
Is the same media causing tensions and preparing you for a war that hasn’t yet happened
The same media that is not trying to stop any war… or bloodshed
Looking keenly for hate speech… and total disaster
Can’t you see? If it doesn’t bleed there is no news
And if it scares and shakes well… bravo! They got the scoop
If not, you should be prepared to pay them well to be on TV
This same media takes sides… and secretly asks you whose side you are fighting for
This same media entertains you with beats to make you dance your head off
And not to make you think
Tell me this… when was the last time you saw a poet speaking the truth on TV… how long was it
This same media will tolerate and spread ideologies of terrorists
This same media is the culprit in informing the alshabab about the security at westage in 2013
But how fast was this truth swept under the rag by this same media now following Veras back side
Kenyans are not stupid…. But are sure hungry enough to be placed in their pockets
That aside…… Moment of silence as I look for my remote
© Namatsi Lukoye
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