Random Thoughts...

What is there to laugh about on a bodaboda?
What is there to cry about in a Range Rover?
Loving someone is the craziest thing in the world
Crazy beautiful, for the lucky few
Crazy ugly, for the people who are lost…
Love has chains that can bind and pull one to any direction

I have seen it all
In her eyes... when they exchanged their vows on their wedding day
I have seen it all
In his tears… each time he hit her and cried sorry
I have heard it all
In her prayers when he is out on his ‘ business trip’
I have seen it in his efforts
So that she may have some food to eat!
But there are so many broken promises between us nowadays
That makes me wonder… Does love really exist?

Where there is no money, how can there be love?!!!
And where is this place where, I can find love?
This place I can call a comfort zone?
This love nest, where it rains money at the same time
But where the heart breaks not?
What is there to laugh about on a boda boda?
What is there to cry about in a Range Rover?
To be continued…

© Namatsi Lukoye


  1. wow.....this is just beautiful. i find it strange how tangling love can be. so beautiful an emotion intertwined with so many fears that it muddies its flow. I struggled with love because i feared making myself absent, as that's what givin up oneself for another really is.

    1. Thank you Ishmael, love sometimes is a burden yani

  2. very true maze. but mizigo can be the extra weight needed to keep one grounded. i love your work by the way, especially the poetry documentary and support it, the little i can.

  3. Amazing,yes,amazing is the word,...there are a whole lot of theories that pple solve and understand every waking day,.but love is just not one of them..


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