Can you Handle this?

There is something strange about your eyes...
They pull me too much: and I really like the stare
That dirty little look! like you know what I am thinking
Something irresistible about your voice or is it your lips?
What more can they do... I wonder!

There is something sweet about your cologne or is it your charm?
Something about the shape of your fingers and how short your nails are.
Yes! something is turning the queen on:
When you stretch your hands for a simple handshake!
I wonder what they could do when you decide to play!
Or just how warm your body must feel
There is something about you, that turns on!

So when I walk in front of you with a swing,
or drop a pen just in front of you,
Do you get it?
All these thoughts playing in my head! utaziweza kweli?

© Namatsi Lukoye


  1. At last, i land on a page with refreshing material to read

  2. Mmh i love,...someone dedicated this to me yesterday,said twas Namatsi's and its just a pleasure getting inspired once more by you,...this is awesome!

    1. Aaaww Velle thank you so much for your support, by the way my album is coming out very soon by end of the month. many thanx and be blessed


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