It was an honour performing at the Alliance Française Nairobi on the 12th of March 2013. In Celebration of Women, The evening started with Sherry Horman's movie The Desert Flower; a true story about Supermodel Waris Dirie who escaped childhood nightmare in Somalia and became a global supermodel.
The performance was a taste of the SO-EMs in the upcoming album Nirvana, originally done alongside the band JKD and Valary. Since the show was about celebrating female local artists, I was joined by Valary Mdeizi, Pauline Ayuko, and Louisa Mutero. JKD's Charles Murage as usual played the guitar.

It was day worth remembering especially it being my first Solo Show. The journey of 1000 miles starts with one step and this is one of those steps!

I also have to add; that I will do my best to make this album remarkable.
© Namatsi Lukoye
Pictures by Koa-Media
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