
I thought of all the dangerous things in life
The things that stab the soul hard and painful and make it cry
How dangerous it is to stop living when you are still alive
How dangerous it is to feel all alone even when surrounded by all those who care
I thought of all the pain danger brought
And of all the tears danger’s pain stole
How dangerous it is to pile up wrongs like the bricks of a pyramid in our hearts
Because unlike pyramids the heart being a softie
Hardens and sooner than later explodes to fragments so small and hard to glue together
I thought of how dangerous it is to cry inwardly
Because what scars the spirit are the secret tears that can never be wiped
How dangerous it is to say something and wishing you hadn’t and yet again
Saying nothing and wishing you had!
I thought of how dangerous it was to say “no” when you mean “yes”
And yet again saying “yes” when you mean “no”
How dangerous it is to sacrifice everything for a diamond that’s not worth
And for being so secure with a jewel that doesn’t belong to you
How painful it is to love and not be loved back
I thought of all the dangerous things we did to ourselves!
How we simply could assume that nobody loved or cared whereas
We were the reason for someone to live today
How not saying ‘I love you’ when the chance to say was present could tear me apart
I thought of how dangerous it is when we hurt ourselves without knowing!
Dangerous how we treat ourselves

© Namatsi Lukoye


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