This Phone business
Ever wondered why small children play with their parents phones as toys
A game is just a key away, a world away
Running away from this world in a couple of years the parent will say
'I don't know how to get through to him/her!'
We are getting smartphones because our brains are sleeping...
Our friends live on whatsup, twitter, facebook, and that's where we wanna be
Those that make the effort to be there... we are too busy to notice as we chat away
And most of the time... too busy sexting another man's woman or vice versa
Staring at pictures, looking for likes and followers as if they will weep on our graves!
Make time for your friends.... call them up!
Don't let your friendship get lost in a machine!
Oh and when you are with them.... enjoy every moment of the laughter and tears
And when you get the urge to look at the phone... its time to go :) hehe Namatsi
© Namatsi Lukoye
A game is just a key away, a world away
Running away from this world in a couple of years the parent will say
'I don't know how to get through to him/her!'
We are getting smartphones because our brains are sleeping...
Our friends live on whatsup, twitter, facebook, and that's where we wanna be
Those that make the effort to be there... we are too busy to notice as we chat away
And most of the time... too busy sexting another man's woman or vice versa
Staring at pictures, looking for likes and followers as if they will weep on our graves!
Make time for your friends.... call them up!
Don't let your friendship get lost in a machine!
Oh and when you are with them.... enjoy every moment of the laughter and tears
And when you get the urge to look at the phone... its time to go :) hehe Namatsi
© Namatsi Lukoye
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