Like your Mobile

Love me like you love your mobile phone
Keep me that close... to your heart
Even when you know that my vibe could be cancerous to your ego
Need me that much...
check up on me... when you thought you heard me call even when i did not
Love me like you love your phone
Shut the world and play with me like you care not about what is happening
Treat me like you do your phone... share your secrets
Let me hold them with passwords and security codes
Go crazy when I shut you out of my world
those days that I switch off
Those days you think you love me most
Look for me like you have nothing better to do
Love me like you love your phone
When I am cold and don't respond
Love me like you love your phone
When your environment disinterests you
Find comfort in me
Touch me all over like you are looking for apps and games
Love me that much
Invest in me with no fear that
I will get old and turn unfashionable
Be concerned that I may be needing you... after short periods of time
Can you imagine... where we would be
If we talked that much
If you loved me that much
If I loved you that much
Like you do with your mobile phone
© Namatsi Lukoye
Hey Namatsi am a great fan of your work