Dear November 2010

I just have to say this, you have been the confusion of my life
the great turn around,
the solidification of my dreams
the liquidification of my weaknesses
the nullification of my fears
the quantification of my hope
Yes, you are the reason behind the modification of myself and forever I will live to remember you

Dear November with tears in my eyes
you have given me wings and let me touch the stars
you have cut my legs dropped me down to taste the dust
you have made me cry on stage, in a matatu, cyber, street, classroom
you have made me laugh till I cried
you have painted all kind of colors in my life
what do I say
you have brought me friends, made me see what we call love and support
you have brought me shame, made me turn and grind my teeth
yes, you have made me stronger and weaker and forever I will remember

Dear November I had to write this down
That when Adam wrote that one day my dreams will touch the sky I cried
That when Eve told me am lazy I cried too
That when Adam wrote something little I cried
That when Eve said that I seemed not to care I cried
That when Adam wrote for my sister I cried
That when Eve came to cry with me I cried harder
That when Adam sent me with love I cried
And all the inbox, texts and calls me made me cry too
November, if each tear should really make me stronger than before then I will hold Mary J Blige to her word

Dear dying November
Today I will pray for you, I will thank God for each tear
I will thank God for each heart that moved close to warm mine
Thank God that it is you November, that reminded me so much of him (yesterday)

Dear November we had a nice run, I have no hard feelings you brought me good and bad.


Yours Namatsi

© Namatsi Lukoye


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