50 - 50
50-50 that suits me right! I am 50% art and 50% fashion A unique and powerful combination of an artistic and fashionistic self presentation 50 Art and 50 Fashion When the two meet and make love I glow in their great orgasm But when the two titans meet and clash Then I face the thrush And like blood spill in an episode of Spartacus I am all over stinking like a dead carcass 50 -50 Am sure that Picasso and McQueen turn laughing in their graves I wake up with Syvia Owori inspiration to Namatsi by Namatsi Then end my days with Chelenge's carving sensation to lusting for poetry 50 - 50 I meet other fashionistas and art carvers like me and their eyes shutter with disbelief starring at a walking doodle, unfinished sculpture in gladiator heels A walking billboard of duracoat paint 50 - 50 none prospering, none overpowering One side believes I am a star The other just paints them out in words One side is straight... imara kama simba The other.... is cheeky.. I call i...