Glaze fire
I want to walk and forget my feet ever bled
Forget blisters and all the thorns and broken glass on the floor
But when these winds blows again and again - I remember the furnace
I remember how the heat felt like - clearly
It makes me weak - It no longer kills me like it used to
We should never visit our dark rooms
We should never sneak a peek at our dying demons
Demons I let die slowly - slow enough to remind me not to take anything for granted
Slow enough to make me remember the lesson
the lesson the universe found important to teach me
Like a pot - glazed fired -
Yet I still see no reason to torture my gentle soul - but I accept the path it led me to
I remember days I would put my hand to my chest and tell my heart sorry
I remember days I lost myself running crazy in forests
I remember days I drowned in tears and fears
Yes the pain goes away - but the scars remained
Some of us come weak or we come so broken and so scarred that we get afraid to get naked
© Namatsi Lukoye
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