The truth is...

I seldom see my work among some of the best works in my circle; I am humbled each time people think of me like that; or relate to my work or see me as someone to be associated with... I am just one of those crazy people trying. Trust me my life is a crazy one totally different from the person you see speaking on stage or who see behind the lines you read, those who know me have stories to tell.

But, writing is my gift; my blessing and burden, and when I look around I see so many other great writers or even greater. Somehow, I always find favour. I have fallen so many times but the bounce back has always been amazing; I guess it all came together when I accepted that this gift has never been mine; I am just an instrument, and that there is greater one inside me who brings these words.

I am lucky to have friends – true friends. Friends in the art field; who critic and help shape my art – please note that I have never done a single piece alone without help! I need people to feel it, to curve it, to give me the story, to edit, before it goes on stage. However, I am lucky to also have friends who are not gifted in art who have supported my work; they have bought a ticket, they have bought a book an album; they have paid for recordings, space, recommended me – you get the picture. And those friends who have no clue what art is but anything I do they will be there because they are friends.

They say, show me your friends and I will show you your future!
I say where the hell are you? They are already lined up!

Then I have yes, I have fans:- the fuel that keeps me writing; those souls who wait on my soul as it spins in the art world to come back and feed or inspire theirs. Those who have fallen in love with that art work without even knowing who I am, I think it exists because you need it to be there. 

 I guess all I am trying to say is – none of it is me ant that is the truth.

© Namatsi Lukoye


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