'Be water my friend!' Luki - Luki the Monster

Take all the forms and shapes circumstances throw you in and rise above them all! Fit in bottles, sit in a glass, flow down a mountain, sip down  the soil - smile at it it and rise above as you join the clouds! Be water my friend as Bruce Lee said.


Art is the purest expression of life! It’s so vast and is always evolving!

For me it’s about being true to myself despite other people’s opinions and thoughts of how my life should be lived.  Art comes so honestly and purely, I don’t doubt its intentions. It makes me believe in my uniqueness and self-expression, and that we all should always strive to be the best version on ourselves. I mean, we only have one life to live, so we should live it to the fullest.      
My art is a mix of many genres of music that have inspired me throughout my not so long existence.  With music, I feel that I can communicate more directly and precisely no matter the language as opposed to just having a conversation.  As a rapper, cyphers have given me the name ‘Luki the monster’ (from how I would destroy verses with a flow - they say).  Rap gives me space to bring out my personality – It feeds my hunger and my competitive nature. I feel that if my rap was human it would be as good looking as I am! Or maybe even more!

When it comes to my singing, it is relentless. Though it did not come to me as easy as rap, I always have the desire to do better despite my many failed auditions. I refuse to be referred to just a nice singer. Although a lot of people have advised me to rap more, there is also a significant number of people who respect me as a singer, and that gives me the energy I need to keep on going.

I discovered I could sing when I was twelve, in high school I joined a music group ‘Just a Kenyan Dream.’ I later won the 38th Poetry Slam King and as I joined campus art became my closest friend until when I made a conscious decision that music is all I ever want to do. My drive is to work hard at it until it can make ends meet.

The unique thing about my art is that it is ever evolving and always adapting; if you put it against others it tends to stand out I believe.

You can find his first single here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-sJO5oLEhY

Luki: See you dance on youtube

© Namatsi Lukoye


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