Coming back

I am back to regular blogging... don't know why i ever stopped! 

There is no guarantee in this life... there is no perfection either! There is no such thing as a perfect poem or song or anything - even we humans are not perfect yet our artist is God himself. I have lived 4 years of my life trying to make my work perfect to fit the critics, to fit my fans... (some of us are just sensitive about our art) I don't know.
I have worked with a miraculous team on a mirrorculous project- one that doesn't tire! one that shows up and and asks how do i come in and what do i do - and to this date I have held back most of the work we have done together - because someone pointed a finger at it. I feel terrible - I think that some of us were given gifts to share with the world and probably not even give a price to it.
I am tired of holding things - and tired of pleasing imperfect beings too. I think some gifts are too big to be held back by words (and they will come) and by action (they will come). like Cee, you just do what you have to do, the only person with a plan is God maybe - we just have to live. For some of us, first we have to cope...

© Namatsi Lukoye


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