With words by Luki Wilson

With words
I bring destruction to peace and fiction to this, reality
Opposition to authority
Inflations to economies and make men honour me
With words
I change philosophies and create ideologies
Make wise men acknowledge me, invent opportunities
And perceive all that you see
With words
I make acts to challenge facts and spark fires
And create liars and truth in men,
I lower higher and bring further nearer to them
With words
I pleasure pain and clean stains
I flatten plains and pray for rain
I change the same
Undrain the drained
I play this game
With words
I deceive the mind and change the tides
I unsee the blind and remould the grind
I untie the bind and pride I kind
I loose the find
With words
I unsink the drowned
Dethrone the crown
I, up the down and turn it down
I later the now and invert the frown and amaze the…….
With words
I rule the earth
Unconceive the birth and devalue the worth
I rich the poor and ancient the newer, while increasing the fewer
I unheal the cure
With words
I can do anything
I dehumanize the being and humanize the thing
I short live the king
I disarm the sting and take away the bring
Luki is one poet/rapper that I really admire. Not only is he my brother he is one of my greatest inspirations, his passion and dedication to art is worth applauding. I simply love the play of words in this poem
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