The girl next door
I have been sick for a while now
She makes me feel like an old shoe
Tired is how I feel
I can no longer hide it
All my actions are now giving me away
Revealing this screaming aching feeling
The way I look at her
Hold her in my arms
Stroke her hair
Rub her back
Give myself away so easily
When I see her smile
I am a different woman!
So how do I change things?
With her homophobic nature
To her I am nothing else but a friend
This girl next door
I am afraid
I am confused
And mostly I don’t know what to do
Or what I would say
Sometimes words came up my throat so fast
So bad they made me sick, I feel like throwing them up
But when I think about our friendship
I zip it and accept the pain
It feels like walking on fragments of broken glass
I am afraid of breaking her heart so I let her tear mine
This girl next door
How do I go on like this?
How do I explain the fact that in this whole wide world
She is all that I need
So how do I convince her that I can be all that she wants?
This girl next door
Makes me cry even just for a while
Says she can’t understand men
That every time she is falling in love she is saying goodbye
She cries on my shoulder
And I cry for her when I am crying with her
Each time and every time I kiss my shirt at night just to feel her dried tears
I am always there like her shadow
How do I let her know that what she is looking for is always by her side?
How do I tell her that my happiest days are spent next to her?
How do I tell her that sometimes the shadows cry too?
How do I explain to all who know us that I am crazy about her?
This girl next door
This time I let tears flow freely for her as I walked away
I knew that I was losing my charm, maybe
No more her and me
I hope she finds what she was looking for
This girl next door
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