The year that was

So many times this dying year
I have been hard on myself
endured so many things
and thought that probably I deserved it
for one reason or another

So many times this dying year
I have lived like a tree
just being there
just being seen

So many times this dying year
I have lived life for others
Tried my best to give
to be
to impress
to this and to that
forgotten to enjoy being me
forgotten that no one can be me better than me

So many times this dying year
so many

So many times in the years
dead and gone before
I thought resolutions was a thing of the loser
who had nothing better to do
than draft plans that they know they will not do
But this dying year was different
I came to see my goals and achievements met
and i came to understand the importance of setting goals

So many times this dying year I have been blessed
blessed enough to write this
and to know that someone somewhere will be reading it

So on the second last day of this dying year
I learnt something
something I wish I did ages ago
or maybe I knew about it
but I wanted someone as old as 80 years telling it to me

'Celebrate your youth
Like I did
Dance because you can
one day you will wish you could
laugh, move,  live,  visit, buy, cry,
invent, express, love,
do all you think you can
because you can
because being young is temporary'

It is indeed sad to think that
what you can do now
with time it will reduce doing it
eventually you will not be able to do it'

my granny said.

So as Annie would say 'Fuck 2009 good and bad'

and have a prosperous 2010


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