lust for poetry

Let’s blaze up the place!
Create a maze,
With words that go BANG! and words that go ROAR!
Metrical compositions,
Carrying feelings and illusions,
Ades, Ballades, Sonnets, Rhymes,
Yes, poems.

Let’s create temptations!
Speak to the heart,
Seduce the spirit and penetrate the soul,
Like the serpent tempted Eve!
Ha! Lets awaken chained desires.
Confuse fantasy and reality,
Give other poets, critics and readers something to ponder.
Let’s reduce crowds to silence by wonder.
For we are no imposters.
But amusers, seducers, educators and entertainers
Yes, Poets

Let’s flame up the place!
With this passionate thirst,
This sensuous appetite,
Strong and excessive like a vampire’s thirst for blood!
If it is a crime;
Let us be wanted
and jailed!
Such is to be risked!
Because this unsatisfied lust for poetry,
Is deep to the bone.
And like a junkie we are held in its thrall.
Yes, lust


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