The last tear just fell

The last tear just fell from my eyes
Not because people at funerals get to laugh too
But because I am done with mourning
And I feel the hairs on my bald scalp sprouting up
So I know that I got it in me to live past this
Like a woman recovering from Cancer, I cannot hide my joy

The last tear just fell from my eyes
This is me smiling, as if the storm never wash away my house
This is me laughing, as if I know where I will sleep tonight
I am still breathing, I figure
I feel that divine comfort that comes with grace
Deep within this very heart, I feel his embrace
In my confusion, with all my questions
I at least I never forgot where to run to

The last tear just fell from my eyes
I stopped dancing to war songs, blood shouldn’t inspire me
I stopped dancing and playing with knives, pills and poison
Upon killer winds and waves
In wilderness and when when hope runs away
When all I see if fear
Lord, you have walked with me
I know people like me are not fair to you
Bending our knees only when we need help
But in this confusion, you have been the only one
Who gave me refuge and peace

The last tear just fell from my eyes
And I felt the heaviness my heart carried along, fade away
I felt the bitterness melting away
The hate disappear, I felt free
I did, I found myself on track again

Funny thing is that after I wrote this poem, I broke down and cried, my emotions just carried me!!

© Namatsi Lukoye


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