Little woman

I pity you,
Little woman
I see you running down the streets
I see you know the wonders of make up
Are you flaunting or hiding something?
I see you in your short tight skirt, a purse in your hands
trying to run in your little high heeled shoes
I can't imagine how your little hands massage your ankles at the end of the day
Or what pedophiles think when you pass by with your mothers perfume on
I pity you
Little woman

I feel for you
Little lover
Exposed to all the secrets of pleasure
Past kissing
You let boys and men touch your growing breasts and finger fuck you in corners dark
Dirty nails, sweaty backs and on muddy grass
So you find it cool
to be called someones girl-friend
I feel for you
Little lover

I forgive you
Little girl
Disrespecting your mother... saying that 'dad could have done better!
Don't you know you have her eyes, her legs and her smile
Don't you know that she let you suck on her nipple even after you bit her!
That your cry brought her running to you
I forgive you
Little girl

I wish you the best
Little woman
when the time comes to have your own
I hope you will be wiser
I wish you the best

© Namatsi


  1. Now this is what I call quality poetry. Lovely piece...

    Reminds me of Jill Scott's The Thickness

  2. thanx, actually had to look for it :)

  3. You never cease to amaze me with your work, i like the comparison between the little woman and the mother, perhaps she should learn alot from her since their live are similar


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