Where your poetry should stand

The sooner we realize that every artist was first an amateur, and then understand that there will always be someone better than you, the higher we can fly! Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize for literature with poetry that "gives a fresh access to reality." Could we afford a dream like this? Yes why not? ‘A truly creative person rids him or herself of all imposed limitations’ Gerald Jampolsky. Millions of writers dream of fame and fortune or simply for their work to be taken seriously. Others however, would be grateful for the smiles and praise of their friends and loved ones. The reasons for writing are endless. Being competent at something is a goal we all embrace and sacrifice to attain; we study, ask questions, mingle with others like us, and the list goes on. However, in my research many poets are not ready to get the top. We are so much in a competition with each other which makes our pieces dilute or a complete joke. There is a f...