Family Affair

Pillar since birth
He knew me best even before I could know me
He taught me to spell my name JACQUELINE...
He made me appreciate Namatsi
He taught me to write numbers one to three
He sacrificed, he took loans, he cancelled important meetings to give me the best
When he smiles at me… I know he says, I love you When he pats my back… I know he says, well done
And it’s all good, no it is great
I wish I could say thank you in a way that could express its weight

Heart of steal
I learn from watching him,
I became from listening to him
He has been captain… showed us the way even in the stormy skies
He hurts deep but I have never seen him weep
They say I have his nose… it’s his legs am sure I have…
Strong enough to enable me to cover miles in valleys dark and deep to green pastures
He never says it but I was taught that when he smiles at me… I know he says I love you
And when he pats my back… I know he says, I am proud of you

As thoughts flood as to what my life may turn out to be
I know that his hopes and dreams is one day to see me shine
I know DAD that when you smile at me…. You say that you love me
And when you pat my back you say that you are proud of me
It is our family affair

Dedicated to my dear father Dr. George Lukoye Makokha

© Namatsi Lukoye


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