
Showing posts from December, 2009

The year that was

So many times this dying year I have been hard on myself endured so many things and thought that probably I deserved it for one reason or another So many times this dying year I have lived like a tree just being there just being seen So many times this dying year I have lived life for others Tried my best to give to be to impress to this and to that forgotten to enjoy being me forgotten that no one can be me better than me So many times this dying year so many So many times in the years dead and gone before I thought resolutions was a thing of the loser who had nothing better to do than draft plans that they know they will not do But this dying year was different I came to see my goals and achievements met and i came to understand the importance of setting goals So many times this dying year I have been blessed blessed enough to write this and to know that someone somewhere will be reading it So on the second last day of this dying year I learnt ...

The world is so full of sadness

The world is so full of sadness This I saw from his dark brown eyes welling up with tears looking up to me saying silently 'help me, Please' This eyes of this little boy in hospital dying from a disease that was killing him slowly and yet with so much pain The world is so full of sadness This I saw from her brown eyes welling up with tears looking straight at me as if she wanted to teach me something saying I had I known earlier, I would have done something about this madness and craziness I encouraged in my younger yeears has led to all this destruction of nature and mankind The world is so full of sadness I saw this in the pictures he took the pictures of people who know not of peace the pictures oh the pictures that filled my eyes with tears blazed houses lost kids dead loved ones smashed hearts scared faces butchered limbs and crying fathers and mothers saying 'why oh why' This world is so full of sadness I read this in his ...