
Showing posts from December, 2014


    My insanity takes over once in a while... trust me, i find pieces of me when the wind starts to whirl When it lifts me and tosses me around When the air starts to choke... and my tears get to the chin When I feel that I can't take it in anymore I find me in dark corners of hate How I still want to plunge a knife into your heart, like you did mine hold it then slowly push it down... as I stare at your face and smile How I wish that you could feel that kind of pain that only I know Or hear the shattering of your heart when it breaks And no I will not let you close your eyes or attack you from the back... like you did me I want you to see me! Heartless signing your corpse! Namatsi was here... she saw and conquered The sky did fall... look for her and throw her in jail © Namatsi Lukoye

How much I love you...

 In the dark corners of silence Strangely I find myself drowning in an ocean of feelings The noise and haste of this world can be so frustrating That's whats why I always run So if I get lost in the silence, like I usually do And you find your self missing me, like you usually do dont come looking for me for I will be in your heart, like you are in mine Where I always leave pieces of me  That's how much I love you, I swear this on the sun! © Namatsi Lukoye