Heart like mine!

I believe in a perfect world In blue skies and green fields I believe in love, unconditional and true The kind of love that exists in fairy tales Love hard to find days like this where angels drown in the wind they fly in Because the air is pregnant with tricks and betrayals and hurt These new molecules burn the lungs and rip the heart! I live in a perfect world I believe in truth, however bitter Like a cure it sets my soul free So these lies, in this maze! I fail to figure out Still planted in a devils workshop I am too trusting! Too open! Too good Of all the times I have been burnt you would think I would learn Yet I remain to be the hurt fool! I live in a perfect world Where friends are friends and enemies remain enemies There is no disgusting hypocrisy! Humanity sometimes deserves a second, third, fourth and tenth chance That sometimes I ask myself, whose mercy are we really at? Far we have fallen from what is good Few give me hope I believe in hearts like...