
Showing posts from June, 2019

Environmental Arts - Activism

I am still writing, but I have diverted my writing and artistic energy here to ESPA ( ). I have not performed for a while, because inside me, I am battling anxiety and balancing of roles in my life. ESPA has given me so much perspective and direction to which I want my talents to follow through. It is becoming more than a release, it is becoming a purpose for which I pray you will walk with me still. Thank you for coming here_ you can follow more of my blogs here ( espa blog ) ‘ Art has the power to catalyze powerful movements.’  Lindsy Halleckson As we move closer to effects of climate change and environmental degradation, meaningful art can and must express the turmoil we encounter and help us process it intellectually and emotionally. ‘As climate changes we need the arts more than ever.’ Richard Heinberg  Artists have the opportunity and duty to translate the human experience into words, images, and music that help people not just to understand these e...

The Old Nairobi town

The old Nairobi town is in everythin g he tells me Everything he tells me sounds like the old Nairobi town The old Nairobi town in the 60s, 70s when it had just became ours Where everyone knows everybody_ million smiles paint the sky And these smiles mean victory a new pa g e, and its up to us to now create history The old Nairobi town where the jambos were met with harambee We are free, we are free.... Everythin g he tells me reminds my soul that we are to gether in this.... now when we have nothin g and forever when we build a table so lar ge to share There is no conmen, or lies, or darkness from those who pass us by because in the old Nairobi town we wish each other well_ harambee_ Everythin g he tells me Sounds like the old Nairobi town Peaceful, still holding to its name_ city in the sun_ green as emerald small city and plenty of space Paint yourself everywhere, let your ma gic shine on this town small parks and a river so blue......