The perfect relationship

When you are in love, chemistry makes sense; you can defy gravity, your feel lighter when that someone is around you. The Rosie’s are perfect – just perfect. Sadly this doesn’t last forever. After a while, you start noticing traits that you did not fall in love with. You work at it and get to understand and know your lover better. However there is one thing you will never get past:- that is you fail to connect with his/her soul. I have come to realize that the deepest and most meaningful level of intimacy is getting into someone’s mind, someone’s spirit – feeling the warmth of their soul. Letting someone into your being, your whole existence; to see and feel your deepest thoughts, dreams and fears. Connecting with this person to a level that you can have a meaningful silent conversation when you are together. Have you ever been aroused by just how someone thinks? Have you ever missed someone’s company because of how deeply they fee...