
Showing posts from February, 2015


Did you hear the horsemen coming I Africa have been burning since pestilence came knocking, riding on a brown horse In he came walking, with the gifts of malaria for my children They no longer reach five and those who do never get 25 Aids is waiting to give a real surprise But am I really surprised?                                                                                Why should I? When I got a cancer called corruption to spread   Endangering the morals of the whole society So don’t be shocked but, where I am from; the freeman drives the benz… the prisoner counts the cents, the whole society is bent… so who is going to correct the dent Sometimes I look around and all I could see are weak men Slaves to paper deeply held in its thrall… it is the song on our lips The heartbeat that makes us whole Yes we can see but our souls are blind His brother war comes to visit from time to time, he is my permanent guest sometimes… And he finds his favouri